Monday, September 26, 2011

City of Rockledge Bee Removal gone awry!

We often are called in to clean up after a bee treatment or removal gone bad. This City of Rockledge Bee Removal is increasingly a very common job for us.
Rockledge Bee Removal gone wrong. Bee Poo all over window

The picture above shows what happens when a bee colony that is present inside a wall, is blocked in, by someone sealing up the opening that leads to outside. Bees will find a way out.. and if it's not an 'outside out', they will readily find small openings that lead into the interior of the structure. And when bees have been holding their, um.... or in other words, when they gots to go, they go! And go they went in this house.. all over the windows, furniture, floor. Not pretty.

When you need competent Rockledge Bee Removal or any Brevard County Bee Removal, call the Stinging Insect Experts at 321-206-5100 or Toll Free at 1-800-343-5317.

Richard Martyniak, M.Sc., Entomologist and Registered Florida Beekeeper
The Buzzkillers, LLC a Licensed, Insured & Certified Pest Control Firm